
Over 4,600 students have enrolled on Academic Agency courses, here are some of their comments ...

"Having struggled with maths during school I had always believed I'd have the same problems with economics. Once I began 'Foundations of Economics' I quickly realised I was wrong. I was pleasantly surprised to find how much of it just made sense. It was less about mathematics and more about observing human behaviour. I particularly enjoyed the way my knowledge built throughout the course, even though each topic was different. Although the first few quizzes took a number of attempts, I scored 100% on the last one first try."


"The Writing Course is very thorough and actually quite fun to go through. As someone who took a few courses in college on writing, I felt that this course helped me review what I had learned a while ago but also taught me things I never learned in my high school or college classes. It was also very to the point and concise which I think makes it quite efficient and effective."


"The course provides you with a general framework of grammatical structure. It has more depth than what can be found in high school while also being a very brief 5 lectures. There are also a number of books cited through the course that you can pursue if you wish to further deepen your knowledge. Taking the course will allow you to better understand articles and books by your new ability to see how the author structured his sentences and arguments."


"Exceeded all my expectations:

My main reason for signing up to the course was to Improve my grammar.  However, I learned so much more.  I am 63 years old and yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks.  My hobby is writing short nostalgic stories and this course proved to be invaluable.  The step by step approach with such clarity enabled me to complete the course with 100% pass rate.  

Makes you think about the language in a different way.  Of importance to me was dropping unnecessary words and not giving too much away.  I tend to over explain things not allowing the reader room for interpretation.  I thought punctuation would have challenged me.  That tip you gave about writing things out several times for it to stick is a good tip.  The main lesson for me was simpler is better not to over complicate things and be clear.  I think that is a lesson when practised is life changing.   Thank you ... I enjoyed that and it challenged the old cogs."


"Foundations of Writing: I have previously taken two college level supplemental writing courses at a formal institution, and neither of them have been as useful to my own writing as this course.  This course is concise, thought provoking and so simply written that it can be understood by and beneficial to a smart twelve-year old.  I highly recommend this course for homeschooler parents, first year college students, or anyone who wishes for a more thorough grasp on written English."


"I received a deep understanding from all courses. Whilst I had no overt need for them, the courses helped me start learning again after decades of slacking. They also helped me to routine whilst I needed meaning and purpose in troubled times. - Harrison Wade"


"I now have tools to express my ideas clearly and to parse the ideas from wordy texts with ease."


"Foundations of Economics: This course provides a comprehensive look at the Austrian School of economics in an approachable manner. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in either the Austrian School or human behaviour in general."


"Not only is Foundations of Economics an excellent, if you will excuse the expression, foundation whereon to build your econ knowledge, it also goes some way towards the un-dismalling of this underappreciated science. 

For those who, like myself, studied Economics at GCSE and A-Level but did not pursue it further, the earlier lectures are an excellent refresher. While I cannot speak to others' experience of Economics in the state-education system, one area wherein it was lacking was the through-line connecting each module. Foundations of Economics does not suffer from this, with each lecture building upon the ideas explored in its predecessor. 

Thus, if you have the opportunity and inclination to pursue this course, then I heartily recommend that you do so."